Conference Objectives and Takeaways

The Forum provides a unique opportunity to learn from nationally respected industry leaders and practitioners at a location that makes travel to a one day conference convenient for New England state and local tax professionals.

We strive to have you:

  • Understand New England state and local tax developments that affect you in your current position;
  • Explore emerging trends in state and local tax that will impact you for years to come;
  • Network with national and New England state and local tax professionals;
  • Expand your state and local tax knowledge by delving into areas you may not encounter in your current assignment.

Continuing Education Credits

Participation in the Forum should meet the standards for numerous CLE and CPE programs. The Forum will provide a certificate of attendance. The Forum is approved in Vermont and Maine for 8.5 hours of general CLE instruction.  The Forum is approved in Rhode Island for 10 hours of general continuing legal education (CLE) instruction.

Rhode Island Attorneys

Rhode Island attorneys seeking CLE credit must email the Forum ( and provide their RI Bar number.